I began practicing in the Parkersburg-Vienna metropolitan area in September of 2013. Since then, I have built a busy and varied acupuncture practice where I treat a wide variety of ages and conditions. I am relocating to the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia and would like to transfer my practice to another practitioner of East Asian medicine.
Here is my offer- no money upfront. For the first six months, you would split treatment fees of existing patients with me. Current treatment fee is $85. After six months, the practice is yours free and clear.
Location: I rent my treatment room from Bodylogic, an excellent and well-established massage therapy practice. The owner, Mathew Smith is invested in having acupuncture as an option and room rental is very reasonable. I currently manage my own bookings and payments. If you preferred to work more directly under the umbrella of Bodylogic, this is also a possibility.
Practice details: I currently work on a cash basis and do not accept insurance, workmen’s comp or VA Community Care. All of these options are possible- I am approached continuously by various insurance companies. WV also has a high percentage of veterans- the nearest VA center is over an hour away in Clarksburg so providing services to veterans is an option. (I have several years experience of doing this if you have questions.)
Population: The population of Parkersburg and Vienna is about 40,000. However, given the paucity of acupuncture in West Virginia, I pull patients from more than five counties in WV (total population over 130,000) plus Washington County (and beyond) in Ohio which has over 58,000 residents. Just to give you an idea how it works in this area- it took local developers over 5 years of hard bargaining to bring a Starbucks franchise to the area, Starbucks not wanting to drop a store in a town of 40,000 people. Within a year, they realized the opportunity they missed and had three in place.
Opportunities: This area is wide-open in terms of business opportunities. While there are several chiropractors in town who use acupuncture as an adjunct to chiropractic care, none offer full body acupuncture. One of them has a full acupuncture degree- however, he practices primarily as a chiropractor. 20 miles away, there is a part-time acupuncturist in Marietta, Ohio and there are several in Athens, Ohio. Otherwise, the nearest acupuncturist is my colleague in Charleston, WV (80 miles south). I have served on the licensure board in WV for over 7 years and can tell you that we NEED MORE ACUPUNCTURISTS IN WV. Truly. Parkersburg-Vienna alone could easily have 3 fulltime acupuncturists…